Monday, March 17, 2014


Gabarone Botswana,

We returned today from Gabarone Botswana where we were pleased to be able to train a new Assistant Area Auditor!  He is our 18th AAA serving in the Africa SE Area.  Our Assistant Area Auditors are so helpful to us in the work as they are spread out into many countries.
Br. Donald Cole, our new Assistant Area Auditor in Botswana

We also trained the Stake Audit Committee and attended a portion of the Botswana Coordinating Council Meeting with Elder Van Reenen of the 70 presiding.  It was a very busy weekend and rewarding.

Br. Tembo and Pres Matswagothata, Gabarone Stake Presidency
Gabarone is a lovely modern city and such kind and friendly people.  Everything was lush green as they have been having rains like we have.

Isn't this the most gorgeous flower!
It was firm and furry & about as big as saucer :)
Botswana has a challenge in that they borrow electricity from South Africa! Now that is quite funny if you know South Africa!  Supply and demand problems in Johannesburg mean we have scheduled power outages.  Fortunately the Area Office uses back up generators so there is no lost work.  President Matswagothata warned us that we may not have any power because often on Saturday and Sunday it is out. We prepared for the possibility but were blessed to not lose power the whole time we were there.

President Clement Matswagothata has a very mighty spirit!  He is smart and filled with wisdom and understanding and has tremendous leadership qualities.  We know his mother Rachel.  She was serving in JoBurg in the temple and rode to church with us each Sunday.  Her son Clement is the one who converted her to the Gospel.

Sister Rachel Matswagothata
Due to generous donations from the United States to the missionary fund, missionaries in Africa who cannot afford to go on a mission are able to be blessed to go.  President M handles this correctly in that he expects some sacrifice on the missionaries part...not just a free ride.  One missionary earned what he could and presented it to Pres. M who told him that wasn't enough and he needed to earn some more.  The young man owned 3 cows.  He sold two of them and was then able to go and serve.

Pres. told us that most of the missionaries desiring to serve are the only members in their family. When President talks to the family about helping with the cost they object of course.  They say "you take away our son and now you want our money!"  He asks them to think of the church as a social club that is going to build leadership skills and take care of all their sons needs including food and health etc for two years.  He asks if that is worth something to them and if so, what would they be able to contribute.  They most always agree that it is a great thing for their son.

We loved attending the ward Sunday.  Pres M and Elder Van Reenen were there.  The ward had a great choir who sang not only a musical number but both prelude and postlude and almost all of them were wearing something red.  It was charming.  We got asked to bear our testimonies which is always a privilege.
Elder Van Reenen gave a wonderful message.  He talked about the "most important things" that he feels are "non negotiable" in his family.  That of family prayer, family home evening and family scripture study.  He quoted from Elder Holland of the 12 Apostles who said that we must be true to the faith that we do have rather than going forth in our quest for faith, leading out as it were with our unbelief.  He also quoted Elder Uktdorf who admonished us to doubt our doubts before we doubt our faith.
Sister Stephens, Sis Fuamatu, Sis Nyambita & two ward members
My nephew, Tyler Klingler, was serving here but due to visa problems this mission is down to only about 36 missionaries now.  When I mentioned Elder Klingler to these Sisters, they all did a little jig and exclaimed "Elder Klingler!!  We miss Elder Klingler!!!  How is he doing?"  Sister Stephens is from Hawaii (Big Island) and came to the MTC the same day as Tyler and we were there to greet them and help them check in.  It was fun to see her again.

Hotel breakfast with Elder & Sister Clayton

Interesting effect of windows reflecting windows :)
As we were leaving town we tried to find the building from "The Number One Ladies Detective Agency" that was filmed here but we couldn't find it.  This is a delightful book made into a TV series that can be rented on video.  They only have about 9 episodes but it's so cute.

 As we went through the border crossing from Botswana, a guard asked Chris if he was the King of Kings.  ha ha.  He said no and I said "But we work for the King of Kings."

Back in South Africa, on our way home, we traveled via Mafikeng and hoped to go through the Museum that has an exhibit about Lord Baden Powell.  Sadly, it was closed for renovation.

All the rains have brought forth Cosmos!  Miles and miles of pink and white flowers.  You'd think it was spring here but it is not - it is fall!  We also saw a couple monkeys run across the road.

Twas a very pleasant drive home.  Of course I was riding ha ha.  Poor dear Chris drove the whole long way while I enjoyed the scenery and working on a blanket for the orphanage. 

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