Saturday, November 2, 2013

Grandpa's Shoes are on a Mission!

There's a cute poem about an old shoe that became home for Goldfinches:

Grandpa's shoes cradle love, 
old made new for a home of love.  
Now a crew of gorgeous loves 
are stuck like glue to their beloved;
grandpa's shoe filled with beauty thereof.

While visiting family last month, I mentioned a story Sister Reber told us about a young African missionary at the MTC who was walking funny.  Sister Reber asked him about it and he told her that just before he left on his mission, his family gathered to see who’s shoes would fit this elder the best.  Although the shoes were too small, his uncle’s shoes were closest to the size of his foot and so his kind uncle donated his own shoes to his nephew for his mission.

Because this story touched the heart of my mother and my sisters-in-law Brenda and Karen, the day before Chris & I headed back to Africa they gave us shoes that belonged to my dad and two of my brothers. They also gave us some shirts and even a suit to bring back with us.  On Thursday we delivered them into the hands of the MTC president so I can now officially say to my children:  
                                                        Grandpa's shoes are on a mission! :) 
They are at the MTC awaiting their call.  Whether it be Pretoria, Capetown, Congo or Zambia, somewhere in Africa a beautiful African missionary will march for the Lord, sharing the gospel in Grandpa's shoes.

Grandpa's shoes & uncle's shoes

 "How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!"  Romans 10:15

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