Monday, June 10, 2013

Mission Training Center

TODAY WE GOT TAGGED!   Pinning on our missionary tag was very exciting!  Spirit was strong.  Love abounded.  Smiles greeted.  Hearts were full.  It is thrilling to gather with people from all over the country, who are going all over the world, to serve the Lord full time for a time. :)

Last week the MTC checked in 1036 missionaries!!  (101 Seniors on Monday and 935 youth on Wednesday!)  The MTC has increased it's wards from 55 to 75 and are preparing to have 125!!  What a blessing to be a part of the hastening of the work in these last days.


  1. and the journey is really starting to progress....thank you for sharing two set such a good example for the rest of us...

  2. Debbie we are so excited to follow your blog to Africa! Our son served in Zimbabwe and we love Africa. You will be so blessed by the goodness and beauty of the people, inside and out! We are so happy for you! We traveled around Southeastern Africa so we are excited to see where you serve! We have a neighbor in the MTC at Johannesburg on his way to Ethipia. HOW EXCITING!

  3. Yay! This is so exciting! You guys are the best!!! I love you!

  4. I am SOOOO excited!!! Be sure to post pictures of the MTC so I can show Tyler! He'll be thrilled to see you and the MTC--make it feel more real. :)
