Friday, August 2, 2013

Buhamahlo Orphanage

We go to church in the Tembisa Township.
Right by the church is the Buhamahlo Orphanage so we like to drop by after church to visit adorable "Mama" and the very beautiful children.

Mama doesn't speak hardly any English but when she saw our name tags she said with a laugh and great enthusiasm "I am OK now!  I have a son (she calls Elder DaBell her son), a prince (one of the children is named Prince) and now I have a King and a Queen!!!  I am OK now!!"  She LOVES visits because she gets so lonely.

One time a sweet little guy about age 3 was crying.  I sat on the floor next to him and held his hand and softly rubbed his little arm.  He stopped crying and looked like he was so enjoying the attention.  As I got up to leave he reached up for me.  I picked him up and he cuddled into me with a hug like he was longing to have.  I held him and cried.  He didn't speak English but I still told him I loved him.  I wanted to keep all the children.

Last time we were there,a little 2 year old was new that day. The child had been wandering alone in the middle of the night & found by police.

 Many of these children's parents died of aids.  My heart weeps for them.  Most of the orphanages are in much worse condition than this one.

This is one of the nicer ones due to generosity of members of the church.


  1. That little 2 yr old in the little red coat really caught my heart. I cannot imagine how confused such a young child would be, wandering lost in the streets in the middle of the night...then being brought to a place full of strangers. You two are ministering angels to His little ones. You circle them with love, I am grateful for what you are doing...

    1. Isn't that so sad. They have all captured my heart. They are always so excited to see us and love to have Chris lift them up into the tree.

  2. I love all those pictures and your stories so much! That is really amazing for you to be there for them!

  3. I love to read about your mission! Hearing about the orphanage is especially touching. I'm thankful those little sweet children are blessed by your presence.

  4. I love to read about your mission! Hearing about the orphanage is especially touching. I'm thankful those little sweet children are blessed by your presence.
