Monday, October 28, 2013

Angels of Mercy

Thursday Jennifer and Victor called Andrea's mission President to ask permission to drive into the city and deliver to her a winter care package including a coat, blankets, gloves, hats, scarf, PJ bottoms, fuzzy socks, chocolate, sleepytime tea, candy cane chapstick and other "amazing stuff"  ha ha. :)

I'm so grateful to them for this kindness.  Andrea left on her mission prepared for Brazil weather and now she is ready for NYC!  Thank you Victor!  Thank you Jennifer!  I love you so much!

Andrea wrote to me:  "Seeing Jenno was AMAZING. Seriously, she walked down the steps of my apartment and I just started sobbing. haha It's only been 4 months. But I sobbed. I am excited to get to see her again soon before I leave!"

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