Saturday, December 14, 2013


Do you suppose that Grandma Picket would have ever thought that her poem, "In Bethlehem", would be recited by an African Saint, Brother Paul Mokolobate for the Africa Southeast Area Christmas devotional on December 13, 2013 in Johannesburg South Africa?  Elder Hamilton of the Seventy presided at the meeting.  All were inspired by the music, poem, readings, and message as we remembered the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Several asked for a copy of Grandma's wonderful poem.  Chris sang in the choir and Debbie played a flute solo of Silent Night.  Several afterward said they saw even men weep as they were touched by the music.   (The program used was one Debbie created a few years ago. )

                        In Bethlehem
                                              By Ethel Pickett

Long, long ago in Bethlehem, as prophets of old had said
God caused a star to shine over a manger bed.

Shepherds were watching their flocks in many fields near by
And Oh!  How frightened they were to see such a star in the sky.

Wise-men from the east were guided by its rays
with frankincense and myrrh they laid, where the infant lay.

Angels with gladness bringing, descended to the earth
To proclaim a wondrous message of the Savior's birth.

O glory to God in the Highest, the heavenly hosts did sing,
For in a lowly manger bed the Jews had born a King.

And now a Savior to us all was sent by God above.
A Christmas gift to all the world to show how great His love.

And now we all from day to day of choicest blessings win
Because of Him who came to earth and died because of sin.

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